Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Old Van on the Sea

Sorry for the delay on yesterday's entry but now that we've got all our computer kinks worked out, we're ready to start blogging again. Our day on Long Beach, Oak Island was a little shorter than the past couple days to make up for the ride home. Short maybe, but no less exciting. We started out making a wrong turn and ended up on the opposite end of the island. As it turned out, this wasn't a problem at all. We found a really cool lighthouse and some laid back beaches full of the thirsty CW drinkers that make our job even more fun and easy. Here are just a couple of them, who happen to own a few really great and all very different dogs.

During one of our midday stops for ice we noticed a fellow sampling van and decided to park next to it and take a picture for all the fans out there to decide who outdid who. I'm pretty sure I know what you're going to say.

If I had to pick, I'd say the highlight of our day was the ferry from Southport to Pleasure Island and its loading dock. Sam and I figured Red deserved a break and that the ferry was the perfect way to give it to him. We sampled a bunch and played the best of the best beach tunes while we all waited to board. Everyone there was in great spirits which made the whole experience a blast. We even made friends with the friendly and hospitable ferry crew.

The first weekend for the R.A.O.S. team was a huge success. We met some great people, saw a lot of new places and had an awesome time. Unfortunantely, Sam and I are off for a couple of days now but look out for us as we head down to Charleston, SC on Thursday. Hope to see you out there.



At 11:41 PM, Blogger luvcw said...

aw,shoot I was gonna' guess....maybe VA. but you say Charleston--ok I guess I'll have to go with that! I bet "Red" enjoyed riding for a change. Do you always give away a canned drink..or is there a chance a REALLY thirsty person could score a 2-ltr.? Where ya' headed after Charleston? Savannah? Hilton Head? Fripp Island? Seabrook? Give us a clue---maybe we know somewhere you should go? maybe we could snag a mayor or two for ya?! peace and cw......

At 12:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.

At 4:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.


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