Sunday, June 10, 2007

North Myrtle and Southport

The team moved north after two days in Myrtle Beach to a town with a similar name and similar desire for Cheerwine. On the drive up we began to wonder. Does Cheerwine get watered down? Only an official experiment by the investigative unit in North Myrtle Beach would due for us to find out.

We lined up some cans of Cheerwine and asked passersby to attempt to water them down with some standard issue Cheer-watch Water Pistols. After the cans sustained the impact from the pressured streams, we opened them and tried the sweet goodness inside.

The verdict: Although the cans were in fact "downed" by using water, the drink did not become "watered down." If they could take such a beating as that, it must be true that Cheerwine can never become watered down in taste--ever.

Today was spent at North Myrtle and Southport, N.C. attempting to discover the effect Cheerwine has on our animal friends.

In Southport we came across some fishermen who weren't having the best of luck. We gave them some cans of cold Cheerwine to hopefully lure the gilled guys (or gals) towards the Southport City Pier. I'm not sure if did the trick because the fishermen seemed to enjoy drinking the stuff themselves rather than using it as bait.

On the ferry from Southport to Wilmington we spotted some gulls circling the back of the boat. As the pictures shows, they weren't looking for ANYTHING other than Cheerwine. Promise.

From the trenches,



At 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love the pictures and reporting---any clues to where you might be and when.... so that we could catch you if we are in the vicinity?

At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

starting thursday look for us around the city where Steven Colbert is from.

At 7:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

does that make your answer a "steven colbert report?"


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